The applet, a demo derived from my Microbe: Microbial Simulation project and run in JVM using Jython, is coded in Python programming language and the PyJ2D module.
Biomorph Entity
The applet, a demo derived from my Biomorph Entity project and run in JVM using Jython, is coded in Python programming language and the PyJ2D module.
Serpent Duel
The applet, a demo derived from Serpent Duel that is included in Interphase Pack and run in JVM using Jython, is coded in Python programming language and the PyJ2D module.
The applet, is a demo of Interphase used to design interface panels in my projects and run in JVM using Jython, is coded in Python programming language and the PyJ2D module.
Note: To use these applets, the browser requires JVM to execute and JavaScript enabled to launch. As these are unsigned applets, the security setting of the latest release of JVM will block your access.