Biomorph Evolve

Biomorph Evolve Screenshot

Biomorph Evolve is a Python program that is an implementation of Richard Dawkins’ Blind Watchmaker algorithm, based on his article The Evolution of Evolvability. The program codes genes that control biomorph morphology, and under artificial selection of mutation, directs biomorph evolution.

The current version of Biomorph Evolve is available for download, and the development version at its Github repository. Dependencies include Python 2.7+ and Pygame 1.9.1. Biomorph Evolve is released under the GPL v3 license.

Version 1.1 Submitted by Jim on December 11, 2021

Biomorph Evolve

The app was compiled to JavaScript from a script coded in Python and the Pyjsdl module.
Select: lmouse/touch, Reset: key-r/touch-swipe