Tag Archives: html5 canvas

Guide to Pyjs and Pyjsdl

These notes provide instructions on the use of Pyjs with Pyjsdl, which were tested on Linux and Win7 systems.

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Pyjsdl Demo Apps

The apps on this page were coded in Python and Pygame. They were derived from the Pygame examples included in Pygame distribution. The first app is the Chimp example that is also used in a Pygame tutorial.

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Compile Apps with Pyjs and Pyjsdl

Pyjsdl implements Pygame through JavaScript functionality permitting porting Python/Pygame apps to the Web browser as JavaScript/HTML5 apps via Pyjs compilation. This post provides some additional details required to port the app, supplementing a previous post. The following app was deployed from Serpent Duel script, and runs with Python and Pygame, on JVM with Jython and […]

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Deploy JavaScript Application Using Pyjsdl

The Pyjsdl module is modelled on Pygame/SDL methods that wraps JavaScript functionality including HTML5 canvas. The module permits scripts coded in Python/Pygame to compile to JavaScript using the Pyjs compiler, allowing deployment of JavaScript applications without extensive editing of the script.

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Pyjsdl: Python-to-JavaScript Module

The Pyjsdl module is modelled on Pygame/SDL designed to permit scripts coded in Python programming language and Pygame multimedia library to compile to JavaScript using the Pyjs compiler. The module is coded in Python that wraps JavaScript libraries and harnesses the HTML5 canvas for deployment of web browser 2D applications. It was derived from my […]

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