Package interphase :: Module control :: Class Textbox

Class Textbox

object --+    
   Control --+

Textbox Object

The Textbox class is a Control subclass. The control value can be set to a long text string, which can be scrolled. The text applied will undergo formating that includes wordwrap, and custom format methods can be linked in with the add_format method.

If the clipboard is enabled with the Control parameter text_paste, the control can use the copy and paste feature with the mouse while holding SHIFT and CTRL. The clipboard functionality in Pyjsdl handled by pyjsdl.display.textarea displayed by textarea.toggle(). For a control of identity 'Control', the clipboard access results in reporting in the InterfaceState object as button 'Control_copy' and 'Control_paste'.

Instance Methods
Format text to display in textbox. Format include splitting text into lines, apply custom format functions, then wordwrap to fit in textbox.
add_format(self, function, obj=None)
Custom format functions. Parameter function is a list of functions that will be applied to text formatting. The functions should receive a text argument, and return the formated text. Passing string 'splitlines', 'nosplitlines', 'wordwrap', 'nowordwrap' will modify standard format procedure. Optional obj argument to provide object for method binding in Pyjs -O mode.
set_line_max(self, line=None)
Set max lines of textbox. Optional line parameter.
Get max lines of textbox.
set_line_width(self, width=None)
Set width of line, margin included. If width is None, reset to textbox width.
Get line width.
check_size(self, text)
Get size required for given text.
get_size(self, *text)
Get size of textbox. Optional parameter (col,row) to return estimated width for col and height for row, adjusted for margins.
resize_control(self, size)
Resize control.
set_value(self, value)
Set the value of a control. Parameters: value - control value.
get_value(self, format_text=False)
Get the value of a control. Parameter: format_text bool to retrieve formatted text list rather than nonformatted text string, defaults to False.
Copy text to clipboard.
Paste text from clipboard.
set_scroll_line(self, line)
Set number of line to scroll.
get_text(self, display=False)
Get formated text lines. Parameter: display set to True to get lines currently showing, defaults to False to get all text lines.
next(self, line=None)
Scroll text forward. Parameter: line to scroll, defaults to one line.
previous(self, line=None)
Scroll text reverse. Parameter: line to scroll, defaults to one line.

Inherited from Control: __init__, add_action, check_link, get_display_text, get_id, get_label, get_list, get_list_index, get_position, get_text_margin, get_tip, is_activated, is_activated_lock, is_active, is_enabled, remove_list, reset, set_activated, set_activated_lock, set_active, set_color, set_control_image, set_display_info, set_display_text, set_enabled, set_label, set_label_info, set_label_text, set_link, set_link_activated, set_list, set_list_icon, set_list_index, set_text_margin, set_tip

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

get_size(self, *text)

Get size of textbox. Optional parameter (col,row) to return estimated width for col and height for row, adjusted for margins.
Overrides: Control.get_size

resize_control(self, size)

Resize control.
Overrides: Control.resize_control

set_value(self, value)

Set the value of a control. Parameters: value - control value.
Overrides: Control.set_value

get_value(self, format_text=False)

Get the value of a control. Parameter: format_text bool to retrieve formatted text list rather than nonformatted text string, defaults to False.
Overrides: Control.get_value

next(self, line=None)

Scroll text forward. Parameter: line to scroll, defaults to one line.

previous(self, line=None)

Scroll text reverse. Parameter: line to scroll, defaults to one line.
Overrides: Control.previous