Package pyjsdl :: Module surfarray

Module surfarray

Array of pixel data arranged by width/height in RGB format. Interface to ImageData.
Array of pixel data arranged by width/height in RGB format. Array data derived from ImageData.
Array of pixel data arranged by width/height of pixel alpha value. Interface to ImageData.
Array of pixel data arranged by width/height of pixel alpha value. Array data derived from ImageData.
Array of pixel data arranged by width/height in integer color format. Interface to ImageData.
Array of pixel data arranged by width/height in integer color format. Array data derived from ImageData.
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [y,x] in RGBA format. Data array most consistent to ImageData format.
array2d(surface, copydata=False)
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] in integer color format. Provides an interface to ImageData format. Creates a new formatted array if optional copydata argument is True.
array3d(surface, copydata=False)
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] in RGB format. Provides an interface to ImageData format. Creates a new formatted array if optional copydata argument is True.
array_alpha(surface, copydata=False)
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] of pixel alpha value. Provides an interface to ImageData format. Creates a new formatted array if optional copydata argument is True.
Generates image pixels from array data. Argument array containing image data. Return Surface generated from array.
blit_array(surface, array)
Generates image pixels from array data. Arguments include destination Surface and array containing image data.
  __doc__ = 'Surface pixel manipulation'
  use_arraytype = lambda* arg: