Package pyj2d :: Module surfarray

Module surfarray

Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] in integer color format. JNumeric required as specified in numeric module.
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] in RGB format. JNumeric required as specified in numeric module.
Return data array of the Surface argument. Array consists of pixel data arranged by [x,y] of pixel alpha value. JNumeric required as specified in numeric module.
Generates image pixels from array data. Argument array containing image data. Return Surface generated from array. JNumeric required as specified in numeric module.
blit_array(surface, array)
Generates image pixels from a JNumeric array. Arguments include destination Surface and array of integer colors. JNumeric required as specified in numeric module.
  __doc__ = 'Surface pixel manipulation'
  use_arraytype = lambda* arg: