Package pyj2d :: Module draw

Module draw

rect(surface, color, rect, width=0)
Draw rectangle shape, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, Rect. Optional width argument of outline, which defaults to 0 for filled shape.
circle(surface, color, position, radius, width=0)
Draw circular shape, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, position and radius. Optional width argument of outline, which defaults to 0 for filled shape.
ellipse(surface, color, rect, width=0)
Draw ellipse shape, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, and rect. Optional width argument of outline, which defaults to 0 for filled shape.
arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle, width=1)
Draw arc shape, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle. Optional width argument of outline.
polygon(surface, color, pointlist, width=0)
Draw polygon shape, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, and pointlist. Optional width argument of outline, which defaults to 0 for filled shape.
line(surface, color, point1, point2, width=1)
Draw line, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, point1, point2. Optional width argument of line.
lines(surface, color, closed, pointlist, width=1)
Draw interconnected lines, and returns Rect bound. Argument include surface to draw, color, closed, and pointlist. Optional width argument of line.
aaline(surface, color, point1, point2, blend=1)
Draw line, and returns bounding Rect. Argument include surface to draw, color, point1, point2. Optional width argument of line.
aalines(surface, color, closed, pointlist, blend=1)
Draw interconnected lines, and returns Rect bound. Argument include surface to draw, color, closed, and pointlist. Optional width argument of line.
Set whether draw functions return bounding Rect.
  __doc__ = 'Draw shapes'