Package interphase :: Module control :: Class FunctionControl

Class FunctionControl

object --+    
   Control --+

FunctionControl Object

The FunctionControl class is a Control subclass. The class has extended features including the function to link other controls to its various values, allowing to build complex interface panels.

Instance Methods

Inherited from Control: __init__, add_action, check_link, get_display_text, get_id, get_label, get_list, get_list_index, get_position, get_size, get_text_margin, get_tip, get_value, is_activated, is_activated_lock, is_active, is_enabled, next, previous, remove_list, reset, resize_control, set_activated, set_activated_lock, set_active, set_color, set_control_image, set_display_info, set_display_text, set_enabled, set_label, set_label_info, set_label_text, set_link, set_link_activated, set_list, set_list_icon, set_list_index, set_text_margin, set_tip, set_value

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__